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News round-up from our practice – current promotions, team achievements and cutting-edge technological advancements.
Celebrate with us
Free tooth whitening for first 20 June sign-ups
To celebrate our 20th birthday we would like to offer free Tooth Whitening worth £650 at the end of treatment for the first 20 adults to sign up for Orthodontic treatment in June.
Special promotion to celebrate our 20th Birthday…
Having a smile you feel good about can make all the difference when it comes to your self-esteem…
Highly qualified clinical team
At Brentwood Orthodontic & Implant Centre, our highly qualified clinical team wants you to live life smiling. We’ve been providing holistic dental care for the whole family from our luxurious, state-of-the art clinic since 2004. We offer a broad range of orthodontic, implant treatments and general dentistry for adults and children under one roof.